I began adjuncting at OCCC in the Summer of 2015, and continued to do so almost every semester until I got hired full-time in August 2023. I enjoy the close-knit community, small class sizes, and dedication to the teaching mission that can be found here.
This Semester
In the Spring of 2025, I’ll be teaching the following courses:
- Math 2104: Calculus & Analytic Geometry I
- Math 2214: Calculus & Analytic Geometry II
- Math 2314: Calculus & Analytic Geometry III
For my current office hours, you can view this page
Past Semesters
Here’s a list of classes I’ve taught at OCCC:
- Math 0313: College Preparatory Math III (Summer 23)
- Math 1483: Functions & Modeling (Fall 23, Fall 24)
- Math 1613: Trigonometry (Spring 17)
- Math 2013: Introduction to Statistics (Spring 18, Fall 21, Summer 22, Spring 23, Fall 23, Spring 24, Summer 24, Fall 24)
- Math 2104: Calculus & Analytic Geometry I (Spring 22, Fall 22, Fall 23, Spring 24, Fall 24)
- Math 2214: Calculus & Analytic Geometry II (Summer 15, Fall 15, Fall 17, Summer 18, Fall 18, Summer 19, Spring 20, Spring 21)
- Math 2314: Calculus & Analytic Geometry III (Fall 16, Summer 17)
- Math 2413: Ordinary Differential Equations (Spring 16, Summer 16, Spring 24)
I was instructor of record for many classes at OU, while I was a graduate student and as Renewable Term Faculty. Here’s a list of those classes:
- Math 0123: Intermediate Algebra (Fall 23, Spring 24, Fall 24)
- Math 1473: Math for Critical Thinking (Fall 22)
- Math 1501: College Algebra Corequisite (Summer 23)
- Math 1503: College Algebra (Summer 23)
- Math 1523: Trigonometry/Pre-Calculus (Fall 14, Spring 15)
- Math 1643: Functions & Modeling (Fall 20, Spring 21, Fall 21, Fall 23)
- Math 1743: Business Calculus I (Summer 15, Fall 15, Summer 16, Fall 17, Spring 20, Fall 22)
- Math 1823: Calculus & Analytic Geometry I (Fall 19, Spring 20, Fall 20, Spring 21, Summer 21, Fall 21, Spring 22, Spring 23)
- Math 1914: Differential & Integral Calculus I (Summer 17, Fall 19, Spring 20, Fall 20, Fall 21, Spring 22, Fall 22, Spring 23)
- Math 2123: Business Calculus II (Fall 16, Fall 18, Spring 19, Fall 19)
- Math 2423: Calculus & Analytic Geometry II (Spring 21, Summer 21, Spring 22, Spring 23)
- Math 2433: Calculus & Analytic Geometry III (Summer 19)
- Math 2443: Calculus & Analytic Geometry IV (Summer 18)
- Math 2924: Differential & Integral Calculus II (Spring 21)
I was a Teaching Assistant for Math 1823 (Calculus & Analytic Geometry) under Dr. Noel Brady in Spring 17, and graded for Math 2934 (Differential & Integral Calculus III) under Dr. Meijun Zhu in Spring 16 and Math 4433 (Introduction to Analysis I) in Spring 18 for Dr. Javier Alejandro Chavez-Dominguez and Dr. Tomasz Przebinda
Prior to OU
Prior to arriving at OU, I taught math with Union Public Schools (Tulsa, OK) at the Eighth Grade Center during the 2013-2014 academic year. I also taught the following courses at Tulsa Community College:
- Beginning Algebra (Fall 12)
- Plane Trigonometry (Fall 12)
- Beginning & Intermediate Algebra (Spring 13)
- Calculus & Analytic Geometry II (Spring 14)
- Ordinary Differential Equations (Spring 14)